1. When should I make an order for the same day delivery?

Feel free to place an order any time before 10:30am.
Any orders made after 10:30am will be automatically transferred to order confirmations for the next day.

2. How do I receive my order?

Orders made will be delivered and dropped-off at designated locations at any time between 12:15pm to 12:45pm so that you may collect them at your own convenience.
We will place a printout alongside your order so that you can identify them upon collection.

3. Can I modify or cancel my order?

Once the order is confirmed, order modification and cancellation are not allowed as our kitchen starts preparations for your order right after the confirmation.

4. Can I schedule my order?

Of course, you can! You may schedule your order up to 5 working days in advance but do take note that we only deliver on Weekdays.

5. How do I provide feedback?

Whether it be a compliment, complaint, and/or question., we'd love to have a chat with you. You may drop us a message on your 'Contact Us' page and our customer support team will get back to you as soon as they can.

6. How much is the delivery charge?

It's free! Delivery is on us so you will only need to pay for your food.

7. How do I make a payment?

You can make the payment through the website via card/debit card.

8. What is the minimum order amount?

Order to your heart's content as there is no minimum order.

9. Why was my order cancelled?

Orders that are cancelled would usually be due to the order entering the system after 10:30am. This usually occurs during page loads or internet connection issues. A refund will be processed, and payment will be returned to you within 1-2 weeks. You may still place an order for the next day should you like to proceed with your order from us. We would love for you to try our variety of food.